The Cunning Little Vixen 7/11/19

Review by Callum Wallace.

The third in a trio of operas out on by the Welsh National Opera; directed by David Pountney and conducted by Tomás Hkanus.

Firstly let me start if by saying the music in this production is beautiful. Perfectly arranged to represent each of the characters’ traits and thoughts. Especially in the moment where time stopped and all there was to focus on was the music, and, at the most intense moment of the show, this was used to great effect.

The look of the show was gorgeous. All the costumes (designed by Maria Bjørnson) were had just enough essence of the animal, blended with human clothing to create a unique and beautiful aesthetic. This, paired with the square uneven grassland set created the perfect look for this show full of nature and wildlife. It perfectly fit with the show.

All the performances specifically the Vixen (Aoife Miskelly) and The Forester (ClaudioOtelli) were wonderfull. However the story of the show, left more to be desired. Unfortunately though, as this is over a century old, nothing could be done by the WNO, and the company did the best they could to make a stellar production on par with Carmen.

Once again, the children in the show were all wonderful, even being given solos within the show. And for children that young to have voices that strong is astounding and they should be so proud of themselves.

Overall the show was beautiful, however for me personally, the show was not overly entertaining and one viewing would be enough for me. Although I can see the appeal for other regular opera lovers.

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